We can ship according to your designated port.
The usual shipping ports in China are
Qingdao, Ningbo, Yiwu, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen
The displayed shipping fee in the store is very high, but that is not the actual shipping cost. If you want to purchase the product, please contact us, and the shipping fee will be very cheap.
We can produce colored bags in any color.
We can manufacture various types of bags and can customize them to any specifications.
The following specifications are the most commonly used,
and we can also customize the size according to your requirements.
We use new raw materials for production,
and the toughness of the bags is excellent.
The bags can accommodate heavy products, and they are sealed using high-temperature and uniform heat welding, ensuring no water
Factory strength
20 slitting production lines Daily production of 10 tons
To ensure customer order requirements.
Mass production
So the price is more affordable.
Exquisite craftsmanship, dedicated to making each bag with care.